UPDATE - The Backpackers Guide to Hawai`i




Call or write the Kaua`i Division of State Parks for camping permit information well in advance. The phone number is (808) 274-3444, and the address is 3060 `Eiwa St., Rm 306, Lihu`e, HI 96766. You can also get a permit from the State Parks office in Honolulu. The phone number is (808) 587-0300, and the address is P. O. Box 621 (1151 Punchbowl St., Rm 131), Honolulu, HI 96809.

Currently, you may camp at Hanakapi`ai only as a stopover to or from Kalalau. Hanakoa is closed to camping, but may reopen in the near future. Call the above number for the very latest update.

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DAY ONE - Ke`e Beach to Hanakoa Valley

..... Beyond the valley, the trail becomes more rough and narrow, but also less crowded. If you plan to start late, camp at Hanakapi`ai, instead of Hanakoa.

The campground at Hanakoa (warrior bay) lies deep in the valley, well away from the coast. The best tent sites are in a terraced area under coffee bean trees on the far side of the stream. Nearby are a covered picnic table and elevated compost toilet. Wherever you camp, expect to be harassed by the resident mosquito population......

Route Description

..... Pass a mango tree on the right.
Pass a covered picnic table and elevated compost toilet.
Ford the two forks of Hanakoa Stream (elev. 450 ft) (map point F)......



..... The maximum allowable stay is currently six days.

Novice backpackers can camp at Hanakoa and then return the next day. That short, two-day trip avoids most of the narrow spots but still provides a good introduction to the Na Pali Coast......


Last Update: 09/30/99

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