UPDATE - The Backpackers Guide to Hawai`i




Call or write the National Park for a brochure, trail map and camping information. The visitor center phone number is (808) 985-6000, and the address is Superintendent, Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park, HI 96718......

..... There is a public bus, known as Hele-on, from Hilo to the National Park once a day. Call the Hawai`i County Transit System at (808) 961-8744 for the current schedule......


Trailhead Directions

..... Turn right on Hilina Pali Rd.
Pass the closed Kipuka Nene campground on the left.
Reach the end of the road at Hilina pali overlook .....


DAY ONE - Hilina Pali overlook to Halape

Route Description

..... Cross the tip of an `a`a flow.
Shortly afterward, reach a signed four-way junction (map point G). Turn right on the Halape Trail toward the coast. (To the left the Halape Trail is unmaintained. Straight ahead the Pu`u`eo Pali Trail leads to the Keauhou Trail and the Chain of Craters Road.)
Halape finally comes into view. .....


DAY THREE - Halape to Pu`uloa

Route Description

..... Reach the coast on the far side of `Apua Point.
Cross a flat, partially sandy area covered with beach naupaka and some `ohai. On the right, just off the trail, is a konane playing board etched into the rock.
Traverse the 1969 flow from Mauna Ulu (map point M). The lava is `a`a, rough and clinkery, but a welcome change from the acres of pahoehoe.
Walk on black sand through beach naupaka......



..... There is one other route to Halape, the Keauhou Trail. It starts from Chain of Craters Rd. and descends Poliokeawe Pali toward Keauhou. Before the final descent to the shelter, turn right on the Pu`u`eo Pali Trail. At the four-way junction (map point G), turn left and pick up the above route narrative for Day One.


Last Update: 09/30/99

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